


本着为学生提供高质量教育的使命, 这所学院对员工的表现要求很高. 然而, situations sometimes arise when an employee’s job performance or conduct does not meet these required st和ards. 而学院希望帮助遇到困难的员工, 公司保留自行决定终止雇佣的权利. 澳门葡京博彩软件公司的招聘 College is on an at-will basis 和 therefore either party may end the employment relationship at any time.

不管这里列出的任何具体政策或违规行为, 学院拥有并保留纪律处分的权利, 暂停, or discharge employees or to take any other appropriate action that it believes necessary to protect the rights 和 safety of members of the college community.


主管可以将员工推荐给 员工援助计划(EAP) when there are indications of job performance difficulty that might be appropriate for EAP counseling. 你的上司会赚大钱的 非正式的 referral if, for example, you confided that you were having difficulty in your personal life. 你的主管会发 正式的介绍 如果你在工作表现上有问题,就去找EAP. 在这种情况下, your supervisor would discuss the concerns 和 outline the corrective steps that you must take. 你会被要求签署一份自愿的“信息发布”表格, which allows the EAP to confirm your attendance at counseling sessions (though not the content of those counseling sessions). An employee who has been referred to the EAP is expected to follow the recommendations of the EAP counselor 和 to continue to meet the performance expectations of their position.


在适当的地方, the college uses corrective discipline in instances of failure to meet performance st和ards. 通过非正式咨询, supervisors or department heads will inform employees of instances of performance deficiencies or inappropriate conduct, 指出需要改进的地方, 并提供纠正问题的机会。. 如果员工的表现或行为没有提高到要求的标准, a supervisor or department head may take further disciplinary action after consulting with the Office of 人力资源. 纪律处分可能包括书面警告, 悬架, or discharge based on the seriousness of the performance deficiency 和 the employee’s prior work record.


严重不当行为的, a department head may immediately 暂停 an employee pending completion of an investigation 和 final determination of employment status.


在解雇员工之前, 部门主管必须与负责人力资源的副总裁协商. 的 employee will be notified in writing by the department head as to the reasons for discharge 和 the effective termination date.


以下是需要立即采取纪律处分的不当行为的例子. 这些例子并不排除学院的纪律处分权, 因其他原因暂停或解雇员工. 学院也可以实行纪律处分, 暂停, 或者开除发生在校外的犯罪或重罪行为的员工. 严重不当行为的, the department head may immediately 暂停 an employee pending investigation of the incident.

学院认为可以接受的严重违规行为包括: 但不限于:

  • assaulting, threatening, intimidating, harassing, or coercing co-workers, students, or others
  • 性或种族骚扰或歧视;
  • transporting or possessing weapons, firearms, fireworks, or explosives on college property;
  • fighting or provoking or instigating a fight or engaging in dangerous “horseplay” which could result in injury to others or damage to property;
  • insubordination or willful refusal to perform assigned duties or any type of verbal or physical abuse of a supervisor;
  • 在规定的工作时间内持有或使用酒精或非法药物的;
  • reporting to work or working under the influence of 酒精 or non-prescribed drugs 和/or the unlawful manufacture, 分布, 调剂, 占有, 或使用管制药物;
  • speeding or reckless driving on college property or violating college safety rules or procedures ;
  • 偷, 破坏, 或者玷污大学, 同事的, 侵占学生财物,或者不正当、擅自使用学校财物;
  • 工作时睡觉;
  • 不雅的:语言或行为上的不雅;
  • 在就业申请中提供虚假或误导性资料, 个人信息问卷, 或者福利表格, 或更改或伪造任何大学成绩(e).g.,考勤记录,财务记录,学生成绩,库存等.);
  • 接受礼物, 小费, 旅行, 或者来自公司的好处, 组织(其雇员或代理人), 或者其他为学校提供商品和服务的个人, 或者利用你的职位谋取个人利益. 参见《澳门葡京博彩软件》(礼物和小费)查阅更多资料;
  • taking advantage of the office or department where you work to request or receive favored treatment or special privileges 和 services that are not available to other staff members at the college;
  • 未对学校信息保密的;
  • 在学校内进行赌博、彩票或其他碰运气的游戏;
  • 复制或借用大学钥匙.


  • absenteeism or tardiness that, in the judgment of the college, is unexcused or excessive;
  • using an authorized leave granted for a specific purpose for any purpose other than that for which it was granted;
  • 在法定休假结束后不去上班.

学院拥有并保留纪律处分的权利, 暂停 or discharge employees or to take any other appropriate action which it believes necessary to protect the rights 和 safety of members of the college community.


It is contrary to college policy to serve 酒精ic beverages to individuals who are under 21 years of age. 2000年8月, 马萨诸塞州联邦通过了一项法令,将其定为刑事犯罪, 最高可判一年监禁,罚款2美元,罚款000, 任何人不得向未满21岁的人提供任何含酒精饮料, 申请人的父母或祖父母除外. This law covers public 和 private functions, for example, dinner parties or department events.

如果大学员工违反了这条法律, 和 any loss or damage were to result from the behavior of individuals served at the function, the faculty or staff member would not be defended or indemnified under the college’s general liability policies, 因为这种行为本质上是犯罪行为. 因此,个人潜在的财务和其他责任是巨大的.


员工应该达到他们职位的绩效标准. 毒品或酒精问题确实会影响工作表现. Employees who are experiencing such problems at work are responsible for seeking help so that their performance does not negatively affect departmental or college operations. 工作表现受到影响的员工可能会受到纠正措施的影响. 澳门葡京博彩软件不能也不会容忍在工作场所吸毒或酗酒.

以促进一个没有药物滥用的环境, 学院支持一个积极的社区意识和教育项目. 这一方案扩大到误用或滥用管制药物, 包括处方药, 酒精, 和其他有害物质. 学院还提供保密咨询服务. 教师 和 staff are encouraged to refer individuals who appear to be troubled by drug or 酒精 use to the Employee Assistance Program.

员工援助计划(EAP) 为面临药物滥用的员工提供保密咨询. Employees or supervisors can contact the EAP by phone (855-784-2056) or online (visit guidanceresources.,并使用Web ID SmithEAP).

的 Office of 人力资源 is available to assist employees in finding appropriate professional care. 医生允许缺勤治疗的,可以请病假. 如欲了解更多详情,请参阅病假政策。 家庭休假无薪休假.


澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都必须遵守版权法. 联邦版权法为原创作品的作者提供了宝贵的保护, 澳门葡京博彩软件希望澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员都尊重这些权利. Copyright laws also permit users of copyrighted works to make fair use of copyrighted materials under some limited circumstances. 澳门葡京博彩软件 is committed to full support of the fair use of copyrighted works by the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community under the provisions of applicable laws. 澳门葡京博彩软件的学生应该了解, 并合理应用, 合理使用的四个要素. Failure to comply with copyright laws 和 to act in good faith in the fair use of copyrighted material will result in a 澳门葡京博彩软件 community member assuming liability for his or her actions 和 may result in disciplinary action.